Ways to Pay My Rent

  1. You may pay by post or in person by cheque or money order from the post office. For security reasons, we do not accept cash. Please ensure you give your address.
  2. You may use your own bank’s website or phone app to EFT your rent  into the agency account using the following details :

    Gordon Robinson Real Estate    BSB 182-222 and account 3005-81071.                                                                                             Give your address as the customer reference/description.                                                                                                                      You can normally arrange a recurring transfer at no cost to yourself.

  3. You may use the BPay system, either by telephone or on your bank website or phone app. The Biller number is 4481.  You will need to obtain a Tenant Reference number by applying to Macquarie Bank. Please ask our office for the relevant application form.
  4. You may also pay by Credit Card (or from your normal account)  by using the drop down tab called Pay Your Rent by Deft which will take you to the Macquarie Bank payments page.  Again to use this system you will need a Tenant Reference number from our bank. Please ask our office for the application form.